Begin your discipleship journey today
When we launch into something new, sometimes it’s most difficult to just get started. Whether it’s a new technique in your sport or a new skill you want to develop, overcoming inertia can be the hardest part. Beginning with a plan and taking small steps towards your goal every day is how you take an aspiration and make it a habit.
So, how do we begin the discipleship journey? We engage, we equip and we empower, in that order. Whether you’ve led others before and you’re looking for some additional training, or you’re just getting started, the E3 training gives you tangible steps you can take to start discipling others.
We challenge you to start your journey of discipleship today. We’re here to help.
A certified small group bible study/devotion for coaches and athletes.
A certified ministry event that uses the annual theme and scripture for athletes and coaches to develop athletic skills, create influential relationships and encounter Jesus Christ.
FCA Coaches Ministry is the ministry program to coaches through huddles, events, training and resources.
International Trips
FCA offers a variety of trips with FCA staff and other partner organizations around the globe.
When you make a decision to follow Jesus, you are beginning the journey of a lifetime—a discipleship journey. This journey is a lifelong pursuit of becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ, or what we call, a disciple.
502 S Gay Street,
#401 Fidelity Bldg.
Knoxville, TN 37902