FCA has a variety of opportunities to join our team.
Explore Below.
FCA cannot do it without your generous giving and support.
Volunteer With Us
We call Volunteers our Character Coaches! They are an extension of the FCA Campus Ministry. A Character Coach can serve any athletic team on any campus!
Bring Your Team to Camp
FCA camps are a beautiful way of teams and student athletes coming together for a week, weekend, or designated amount of time. Click to learn more!
Join or Help Lead a Huddle
A certified small group for coaches, athletes, and students. Huddles are at every school- times depend on school. Groups can be schoolwide, small bible study, etc.
FCA Coaches
FCA Coaches Ministry is the ministry program to coaches through huddles, events, training and resources. Our resources, trainings, and ministry is built to impact coaches.
Join or Support International Trips
FCA offers a variety of trips with FCA staff and other partner organizations around the globe.
502 S Gay Street,
#401 Fidelity Bldg.
Knoxville, TN 37902