A night made by ladies for ladies

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FCA Worthy Nights

What is it?

A night to intentionally pour into high school girls, tell them about their heavenly worth and value that is rooted deeply and held securely,  and ultimately grow a city that has their worth and value planted deep in Jesus and begin to create a generational shift that impacts and changes the world.

When is it?

Three times a semester!
3 in Fall (Sept, 15,  Nov 10,Dec 15)
3 in Spring (Jan, Feb,  April)

*6:30- 8:30pm

Where is it?

The  Lighthouse Event Center

What to expect?

A treat to munch on, worship, a speaker, an activity, and new friendships and memories made!

Parking or Drop-off?

Park at the venue or get dropped off! Girls will be assisted and guided where to park! 

More information?

Keep up to date with news, themes, pictures, and so much more by following our instagram found below. Click to follow us today!

Worthy Nights Instagram Worthy Nights Facebook


Our High School Field Reps:
Bri Crabtree (Lead),
Peyton Bacon, Chesney Lingerfelt

Our Worthy Nights Development:
Debbie Greene

Contact Bri Contact Debbie


Worthy Nights takes a village to put on! Whether you want to sponsor a night, help provide the cost of food, merchandise, or more, please donate today!

If you feel led to support and help keep this night running, please consider giving today!

Support Worthy Nights Contact Debbie Greene

Follow us @worthynightsknoxville

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